Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas Time!

I know I haven't written in some time-okay, awhile- but now I'm writing again. Sorry to those non-existant followers of my blog about not writing anything in six months. I just had to write about this Christmas season though and I'm also extremely bored, but it's mostly just because I want to write about Christmas. :) I just have to say that I love Christmas time. It's not because of the presents, although that's a small part of it, but it's because I love it when my mom decorates every inch of our house and I love rainy days where I can sit in my beautiful house and cuddle up in my snuggy and read a good book (Twilight series, my sister in laws and mother know what I mean about Twilight! haha). And I especially can't wait for the rest of my family to come down from Utah on Dec. 18th. I love it when all my family is home! Unfortunately, one of my brothers still won't be home because he's on his mission and I miss him terribly. But I'm still very happy for the rest of my family to come down. :) And even the beautiful decorations, fabulous Christmas music, multiple kinds of hot chocolate with whipped cream, and my wonderful big family can't distract me from the real reason we celebrate Christmas. It's the celebration of our wonderful savior, Jesus Christ. That's what Christmas is all about and that's why it is such a great holiday. That's why everyone feels warm and happy, because of the wonderful spirit of Christ that flows through the air. Sure presents are nice, but the best thing about Christmas, at least to me, is the wonderful warm feeling I get of our savior's birth. That great feeling is priceless and that's why I love Christmas. :) Merry Christmas everyone! Remember the real reason why we celebrate Christmas and enjoy your time with your family also. I know I will. Forever Moore :)


  1. oh van you are the sweetest thing ever. I cant wait to see you!! just a few moore days! this week is going to go by slow :( !! ahh at least I have Soul of the Fire to keep me distracted ;)

  2. haha. Thanks Shell. I miss you and the rest of the gang in Utah. I can't wait to play Monopoly and Nerts with you again! Come home quickly! :)
