My Awesome Missionary Big Brother!
Today I got to speak with my brother Jensen over the phone. Jensen is on his mission and he is leaving the MTC and tomorrow he should be in Mexico, I think. It was so wonderful hearing my awesome brother's voice. I have been reading all his letters and writing to him, but it was so great to hear the sound of his voice. He is very excited to teach the people of Mexico about the gospel. I love him so much. His sarcastic humor is so hilarious. I always loved hanging out with him and playing one-on-one with him in basketball in our backyard. He always destroyed me of course, but it was still fun! I really miss him a lot. I also missed my other four brothers when they went on their missions, but Jensen is closer to my age and he has been a big part of my life. So it was sad when a big part of my life left. It took me a while to stop crying every day. I just love him so much and I am so proud of him. He is such a great example to me and I hope to be righteous like him, and all my other brothers and my parents. I can't wait to see him in 22 months! I will never stop writing to him on his mission and I will never stop reading his letters either. I love you, Jensen! You are truly missed.
You are totally the rose in my thorns sister Van:) I love you female. When you come to visit me, I will lavish you with squeezes and bum taps galore!