Today I got to speak with my brother Jensen over the phone. Jensen is on his mission and he is leaving the MTC and tomorrow he should be in Mexico, I think. It was so wonderful hearing my awesome brother's voice. I have been reading all his letters and writing to him, but it was so great to hear the sound of his voice. He is very excited to teach the people of Mexico about the gospel. I love him so much. His sarcastic humor is so hilarious. I always loved hanging out with him and playing one-on-one with him in basketball in our backyard. He always destroyed me of course, but it was still fun! I really miss him a lot. I also missed my other four brothers when they went on their missions, but Jensen is closer to my age and he has been a big part of my life. So it was sad when a big part of my life left. It took me a while to stop crying every day. I just love him so much and I am so proud of him. He is such a great example to me and I hope to be righteous like him, and all my other brothers and my parents. I can't wait to see him in 22 months! I will never stop writing to him on his mission and I will never stop reading his letters either. I love you, Jensen! You are truly missed.
I also didn't get Tanner a present and I want to try to make it up to him just like Logan. Tanner is older than Logan by ten minutes. To me, it seems like Tanner is twenty years older than Logan because Tanner is way mature and Logan is so........ not. :) haha. I love Tanner just as much as Logan and my other brothers. He is so hilarious and he gives the best impersonation of the Grinch. I always laugh when he sticks out his stomach and walks like the Grinch. Maybe Tanner isn't as mature as I thought. :) haha. I love his warm hugs and his funny laugh. He is a great brother and a wonderful example to me. I love him so much. I will never forget that Tanner was an assistant on his mission because he won't let me or our whole family forget. haha. I'm very sad that he doesn't live with us anymore, but I'm very happy that he married Alana. She is the only girl that I will allow to take my awesome brother, Tanner, away from me. I love you so much, Tanner. Thank you for making my life brighter when you lived with our family. And thank you for helping create a sweet, beautiful baby girl that I could call my niece. I can't wait to receive a big warm hug from you again. :) Love you.
I know that I am really late in writing this but it couldn't hurt to write it now. Logan's birthday was on July 9. Sorry for keeping you waiting Nag. For the few people that might be actually reading this blog, Logan is my brother. He is a twin with Tanner, but I will write a letter about Tanner after this. Anyway, I am not a very good sister because I didn't get Logan any present, not even a letter. So I am trying to cover everything up with this letter. For those who know Logan, you know that he is a child at heart. Even though he is twenty three, he still acts like a kid (I love that!). He is so fun to be around and he always makes me happy. :) His humor always makes me feel better no matter how I feel. He is a great brother and I am so blessed to be able to call him my bro. It was hard for me to say good bye to him when he left back to Utah with his wife, Michelle (My awesome sister-in-law!) and Tanner and his wife, Alana (My other awesome sister-in-law!) I already miss his sarcasm and child-like attitude. I love you so much Logan. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to write this letter for you on your actual birthday. I miss "chatting" with you. It isn't the same without you, Nag. :) haha. I miss you terribly and I can't wait until I get to see your heart-warming smile again. :) Love you.